When faced with a decision in life, be it big or small, we hope and pray that we pick the best choice. Unfortunately, despite our good intentions, we make bad choices.Sometimes, the stress of being pressed to make a decision as soon as possible makes us settle for what we think is better at that particular time. We choose with a heavy heart, biased against the circumstances that made us choose in the first place. That sets us up to make decisions we wish we hadn't.
As a believer of God’s will, I know that there is a path that God wants me to go and another that he doesn't want me to go. The map to the right direction is written in scriptures as all of God’s word “is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that we “may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
But then again, even this can be lost in translation in our earthly mind.