I found this interesting trivia as I was surfing the web and it caught my attention. For one, I thought it's absurd and 'insignificant'. Why would people advocate not wearing pants in this day and age? As I read through the Wikipidia article though, it said " when large groups of people parade around in public without their pants, amazing things are bound to happen. At the very least, you'll take your drab, wretched life a little less seriously, at least for one day!" Then I got the point. Surely, we have become so engrossed with the 'superficial" and have forgotten the more important 'core' of being. We cover ourselves with a 'pleasing' persona to mask a rotting inner self. We wear the best clothes to hide body diseases. Indeed, it's all skin-deep!
Whoever thought of this 'holiday' knows that life is more than a pair of Levis jeans!

The recommended No Pants Day attire is thick, appropriately modest boxer shorts
. Other types of underwear, including bloomers,slips, briefs, and boxer briefs all work as well. In addition to pants, the wearing of other conventional leg coverings, such as skirts and dresses, shorts, and kilts is also discouraged.
While there are unconfirmed reports that the holiday was celebrated as early as 1985/86
, there is no known physical record of the origin or first practice of No Pants Day. The Knighthood of BUH at the University of Texas in Austin is viewed as the principal organizer and advocate of the holiday. Austin, considered the originating city, has celebrated the day since 1997 according to a 1999 flyer.
No Pants Day was named the Best Local Holiday in the 2003 Best Of Austin Critics Poll by the Austin Chronicle..
From Wikipidia