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Opportunites: Thinking Outside the Box

There's an ongoing debate regarding the low salaries being given to physicians in the country. Some believe that it's an insult to the profession and it should not be tolerated. Others think that we really can't do much about it and it alll depends on anyone's circumstance whether to accept it or not.

As I've always believed from the beginning, medicine is a calling and if anyone thinks he'll get wealthy by becoming a doctor, it is possible but often, it is not the case. More and more physicians realize this and the trend now is to find other ways to realize the dream of being financially satisfied. Some put up their own business like hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, etc., while others dive into the corporate world and take advantage of the hefty pay that companies give to executives, just like the other professions. Only a few however would be blessed to get in or even put up with the stresses of business, but those who do end up achieving their financial goals faster and easier.

We should always find opportunities and not just sulk about our circumstance. The article below speaks well of this.

There is a saying by Edwin Louis Cole: “Don’t pray for opportunities; pray you’ll be ready when opportunities come.

Opportunities always come, and it surrounds us all the time. Whether we are able to spot them and act on them is entirely dependent on the person whom the opportunities are presented to.

Most people out there don’t seem to realize the existence of opportunities because they are so trapped by their perceived circumstances and their routine lives. What we need to understand is that if there is anything we wish to do or accomplish, the Universe will open doors for all of us if we seek for the opportunities.

We have the ability to choose every moment from the time we wake up till the time we go to bed. When we wake up in the morning, we jump out of bed, take a bath, clean our teeth and dash out of the house to work not simply because of the need to but because we choose to. It is fair to say that we don’t always feel this way, but the fact is that nobody forces you to do what you have been doing! Though at times we may feel that we are being forced to, but ponder for a moment – it is us who put ourselves in the situation of being “forced”

It is true that we need to go do things we don’t necessarily love doing for the sake of money and survival. However, if you are not satisfied with the way you live your life, you may make a choice to and assume the power to make things better.

Opportunities does exist, and in fact at this very moment you are reading this, someone you know – your friend, ex-schoolmate, neighbor, teacher, or gardener for that matter, may be working on a new opportunity he or she has just chanced upon.

In order to see the opportunities that come to you, you have to be willing to change the way you see yourself and the world that is around you.

You have to relax and understand that each day you are presented new ways and opportunities to live life happily and to do the things you love doing. You will never be stuck in a particular situation indefinitely. It is only the lousy thoughts and feelings about yourself and your situation that makes you feel trapped and blinded to opportunities.

Rather than feeling sorry for yourself and the situation you are in, identify the things that you love doing and start getting prepared for it. Les Brown, who is a world-class motivational speaker and author of many self improvement books including “Live Your Dreams”, dreams to be a radio DJ. His background did not make it easy for him to be one. He was plagued by low self-esteem, poverty and was mistakenly declared “educably mentally retarded”. However, there was one teacher who believed in him and taught him to prepare, and work hard preparing for what he dreams of doing. Les worked hard practicing being a radio DJ, way before he actually became one. He is now a highly renowned public speaker, who is being recognized by Toastmasters International as one of the World’s Top Five Speakers.

What you may begin doing is to start preparing yourself before the opportunity arises. You want to be ready when the opportunity comes, and not feel sorry for yourself with only excuses and lack.

Start today, and ask yourself what can you do to prepare for the next opportunity that comes by. You will be thankful you did your preparations and seized new opportunities while others could only sit one corner and envy at your success.


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