Respect is a lesson that everyone should learn
Respect must be given before an expected return
Respect is something that’s given for free
Respect is about us and never about me
Respect is the basis on which relationships are founded
Respect is the anchor that keeps a person well grounded
Respect builds the character and defines who we are
Respect sets the standard and raises the bar
Respect is magnanimous and helps to fulfill
Respect is the partner that sits with good will
Respect is like honey so sweet it’s perceived
Respect is a taste to savor for when it’s received.
Respect must be given before an expected return
Respect is something that’s given for free
Respect is about us and never about me
Respect is the basis on which relationships are founded
Respect is the anchor that keeps a person well grounded
Respect builds the character and defines who we are
Respect sets the standard and raises the bar
Respect is magnanimous and helps to fulfill
Respect is the partner that sits with good will
Respect is like honey so sweet it’s perceived
Respect is a taste to savor for when it’s received.
- by Don Wilson
I am a person slow to anger. I can only remember few times when I really got so mad. One of those instances was when I was disrespected by someone I worked with. I can still remember that moment when it felt like all my blood were up in my head and smoke were coming out of my ears, literally.
This morning, a smoke of anger came out of my ears again when I read one disrespectful message intended for a colleague. Call it over reacting, but I felt so bad that I had to sarcastically imply repeatedly to the sender how humbly we acknowledge the message. I hope the point was clearly taken.
I am a respectful person. Even with my humble accomplishments, I still acknowledge the fact that every individual deserves courtesy and respect. I believe in the principle that respect is not commanded, rather, earned. Further, parallel to the golden rule of doing unto others what you want others do unto you, respect others if you want them to respect you.