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Will and Grace: A Testimony (Part I)

This coming week, as we remember the greatest sacrifice of all, that of Christ dying for our sins, I am posting a life testimony I wrote 8 years ago. It tells much about how John 3:16 has worked and, still is, working in my life. I hope you will continue to hang on to your faith and experience a life that is beyond holy.

To try to comprehend the whole complex of christian life is like floating in a vast sea and not knowing where the waves will bring you. To actually seek for answers to questions like, why me? how will I?, when?, where to?, and what's next?, is like looking for the pot of gold at the end of a 10-minute rainbow. Similarly, when you get used to the ways of God, you no longer ask, just allow yourself to be carried by the wings of His Spirit.

It was 6 years ago when I heard the call to be a medical missionary. Witnessing a miracle in one of the islands of Bicol, I sensed that God has a purpose for me that is beyond my understanding. Rightfully so, with perspectives changed, plans taken aside, I was led to the chilly mountains of Baguio to pursue a degree in Medicine. The passage was not easy. Like the zigzag road, there were lots of blind curves, narrow paths, and uphill accelerations. Doubt, discouragement, and adjustments were overpowering. The process itself is a different story of God's faithfulness. But if there was one thing I was sure of in all those times, everything was God's will!

Stupidly human, despite the hype of spirituality that was supposedly happening in my life in that four years I spent following God's will, I fell out of His flock. Of course, the mind can think of a lot of excuses to justify this, but the bottom line is, I became slack, complacent and egotistical. It's a good example to affirm the cliche' "no quiet time, no peace time; no prayer, no power!" So down I went with my own understanding of things. I was like Titanic's 'king of the world' for a time until I fell off from the railing, pushed by my own grieving spirit! It was as if I fell into the deeps of the ocean, unable to swim back to the surface. When I got back to my senses, God's hand pulled me up. That was when I fully understood what God's grace is all about!

My testimony thus basically revolves around these two undefinable words that are truly God's, will and grace!


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