Lately, through the internet , I have been able to get in touch with friends from the past. These are the people who have a mark in my life for they were the hands that molded me into who I am now. As I've said before, I wasn't fortunate to grow up with my parents around to guide me, so I relied on other people to see me through. They are, for me, channels of blessing that I will forever be grateful to.
Getting in touch with people you haven't had contact for sometime is a great feeling. Thanks to the gazillion wires of the internet, this is so easy to do in this day and age. It brings back memories, it refreshes the heart, and guides you back to 'ancient' paths.
Friends will forever be friends whatever happens. Friendship is a God's gift to people who are receptive to it. Live not if you don't have people you can truly call 'friends'!
To my friends all over the world, .