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Showing posts from March, 2018

What to Think About this Holy Week

As we prepare for the coming week, let us be reminded again of this powerful message. In the message "Believe and Be Restored" we considered our need to believe that what God said is true. He said the death and resurrection of Jesus was the final sacrifice for our sin, and that those who believe would receive the gift of eternal life. Clearly, our Salvation is a gift from God; "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith" (Ephesians 2:8). We did nothing to earn our Salvation and there is nothing we must now do to keep it, we simply must believe; "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). Though our sins are forgiven and Jesus is 100% sufficient for Salvation - though we walk in grace and are absolutely free of condemnation - sin in our life still causes temporary separation and tension in our relationship with God. Therefore, over and over in scripture, we are called to a life of holiness: "As obedient chi...

Changing our Attitude to Change

There is nothing permanent in this life. Everything  changes and whether we like it or not,  it impacts us. But instead of denying and resisting it, we should learn  how to accept it and move on. “We need to develop the habit of looking at whatever happens through a positive mindset instead of a negative, defeatist one.” Have faith that God has a purpose in everything that happens. We need not understand what and why now, but for sure in His perfect time, we will know it and be thankful about it.

Ups and Downs of Life

We all go through the highs and the lows of life. One moment we are loving every second, then we just want to give up on everything all of a sudden. They say that is human nature, a result of several generic, metabolic, environmental, and idiopathic factors. Whatever is the cause though, we can actually control it. It is really all in the mind. We have the power to determine what our mind focuses on. If we harbor the negative thoughts and situations, the longer we stay on the down side. If we fill our mind with good things and positivity, the faster we go up that happy state again. To do this though, a strong faith and right perspective are necessary. We should just always remember that all things work together for good for those who are called according to God’s purpose!

A Short but Powerful Journey in Laos

Today is my last day here in Laos and looking back at the past 4 days, it has been an awesome and unforgettable experience. My passion to make a difference in one person’s life has been reinforced more than ever. There is indeed a lot of needs that has to be addressed all over the world and we can do our parts in our own little ways.  Let us continue to live a life of purpose and make this world a better place for everyone.