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Showing posts from September, 2008

Why Do Men Have Nipples?

“We are mammals and blessed with body hair, three middle ear bones, and the ability to nourish our young with milk that females produce in modified sweat glands called mammary glands. Although females have the mammary glands, we all start out in a similar way in the embryo. During development, the embryo follows a female template until about six weeks, when the male sex chromosome kicks in for a male embryo. The embryo then begins to develop all of its male characteristics. Men are thus left with nipples and also with some breast tissue. Men can even get breast cancer and there are some medical conditions that can cause male breasts to enlarge. Abnormal enlargement of the breasts in a male is known as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia can be caused by using anabolic steroids. So, if Barry Bonds ends up coming to the old-timers game with a pair of sagging 44DD man boobs, then I think we will finally have our answer to the steroid controversy.” This is just one of the many trivial qu...

Colors of Noise and White Noise's Effect in Calming Babies

Noise can be classified into different colors based on spectral density. There is such a thing as a white, pink, red or brown, blue or azure, violet or purple, and grey noise. Other ‘less official” colors of noise are red, orange, green, black, noisy white and noisy black. Their definitions and characteristics are so technical and definitely not interesting. What might catch your attention however is the effect of one noise color in calming crying babies. Read on. If you were a baby, you'd cry too. After being thrust into a world full of strange people, strange sights and strange sounds, you'd want to return to the womb; a happy haven where it was warm, cozy, and the sound that lulled you to sleep was a pleasant kind of whooshing. Experts believe that you can significantly decrease crying associated with colic and recreate this whooshing noise by playing white noise for your crying baby. White noise is all around us. The humming of a fan, the road noise in the car...

“Having Faith”

I have a big decision to make. There’s so much going in my head that I can’t seem to come up with a convincing rationale of whatever choice I will come up with. I have listened to a lot of inputs and have made my own analysis as well, but I still can’t come up with a good resolution. What’s there to do? NONE. Just leave it all to God who knows what’s best. I’m just so impressed with Him up there. Life for me has been tough over the last couple of months. But I just want to take a moment here, in the midst of all the buzzing to profess God’s amazing faithfulness. Too often times what happens is that we do ask for divine help; sometimes it comes, other times it doesn’t. For me, I try my best to look at every hardship or issue as an opportunity for God to work to me. However in the midst of all my difficulties and struggles, there have been hope and prayers answered, but more importantly, and what really strikes me the most, is God’s faithfulness to an unworthy and somewhat so...

Anti-Perspirants and Breast Cancer

This was forwarded to me and it's worth reading and looking into. Studies show that a concentration of toxins leads to cell mutations and eventually cancer . This is the exact mechanism of anti-perspirants. Most of the products out there are an anti-perspirant /deodorant combination. Deodorant is fine, anti-perspirant is not. The reason. The human body has a few areas that it uses to purge toxins; behind the knees, behind the ears, groin area, and armpits. The toxins are purged in the form of perspiration. Anti-perspirant , as the name clearly indicates, prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging toxins from below the armpits. These toxins do not just magically disappear. Instead, the body deposits them in the lymph nodes below the arms since it cannot sweat them out. Nearly all breast cancer tumors occur in the upper outside quadrant of the breast area. This is precisely where the lymph nodes are located. Additionally, men are less likely (b...
Thank you for dropping a note and sharing my day H ope comes from loving, and loving from friends. Today, I'm left with good memories, N ear stunned by the grace with which my birthday ended. K now that your greetings will help fashion my way. Next to God, y ou are the fields on which my life depends, O pening vistas no heart can convey, U nloosing sweet music that now will be ours. THANKS ….for wishing me well on my birthday. May God bless you more!

My birth date!

It's the start of the 'ber' months.. A time everyone wants.. Holiday fever is in the horizon The merriest of all the seasons! The ninth month is also dear as my birth date is also here.. It's the start of another year Of this life full of cheer. As I look back and see where I passed, I have had some narrow paths.. But my God was always there to pat My shoulder, my soul and my heart. Looking forward a future awaits Bright as the sun, certain as my faith.. This is the essence of celebrating my birth date The anticipation of the promise everybody awaits!